How 100+ DataPacket’s servers helped Nodecraft to expand successfully outside the US
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Peak times or not, our dedicated servers and their underlying network infrastructure enable game companies to bypass common internet bottlenecks and deliver great online gaming experiences to player bases of all sizes.
We designed our network infrastructure so that your players can benefit from constantly low latency times, zero packet loss, and no saturation – especially during peak times.
Looking GlassOur monitoring system constantly checks whether your game’s traffic is being routed through the best-performing path. Even in the most latency-sensitive scenarios, this ensures smooth gameplay.
Whether you’re running a smaller game or an MMO, your server stack is allocated a single bandwidth pool that you can scale to the size of your player base.
To achieve optimal network performance in each region, we peer with local ISPs and use multiple Tier 1 upstream providers.
If you didn’t find the network you were looking for, let us know its ASN or name and we will provide you with the connectivity details.
Shield is automatically turned on in all of our locations to keep your servers fully protected at all times.
Since each game differs in resource usage, we offer both single and dual‑CPU configurations, with varied RAM and storage options.
Looking for a custom CPU model, higher‑capacity NVMe drives or other configurations? Talk to us.
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